This article will explain all about the “Last Seen” Status in User Management (Admin Portal)


Assuming the Ad-Din’s utilization based on the ‘Last Seen’ status is not ideal. The “Last Seen” status is merely for analysis only. Refer to the guide below.

How to interpret

Last seen column under User Management indicates when was the user last logged in to Ad-Din web portal i.e. or Ad-Din Mobile App was opened by a user.

  1. If a status shows i.e. in above example 0d 0h, means a user was logged in to Ad-Din from either web portal or Mobile App just a moment ago.

  2. If a status shows i.e. in above example Never, means a user never logged in to Ad-Din from either web portal or Mobile App since the inception.

  3. If a status shows i.e. in above example 721d 6h, means a user was logged in to Ad-Din from either web portal or Mobile App 721d 6h ago.

Communications and Last Seen Status 

Let’s understand how the Last Seen Status has impact on user communication. In Ad-Din we have two Channels for Communication.

Email Communication

Despite Last Seen is Never, a user is still fully connected via Ad-Din solution's email communications.

When the account is created a user is sent and email to verify the email address by simply clicking on a link).

Push Notifications

Despite user open the Ad-Din App or not, so long is logged-in once the Push Notification still flows and a user is still fully connected via Ad-Din solution's Push Notifications.

The difference between push notifications and text messages
Although there are lots of similarities, push notifications are not the same as text messages. Both of these messages go directly to the user’s phone and look similar on their lock screen, but they’re still very different. For Push Notifications to work you need a Mobile App. For more details on the difference search up in your favorite browser “The difference between push notifications and text messages”

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