Step-by-step guide to Add, Edit, Delete Subjects using Ad-Din App

Add Subject

  1. Your account must have Madrasah Admin rights to perform this activity.
  2. Navigate to Madrasah > Admin Portal > Subject
  3. Tap on to + icon
  4. Enter the name of the Subject.
  5. Select Teachers who will be teaching this subject in this Class and its sections.
  6. Select the Class in which this subject is taught.
  7. Enter the numeric mark deduction per mistakes, PS this will be utilized in Assignment section. You can deduct any desired number for mark deduction per mistakes made in the assignment.
  8. Enter the edition either with Book Name or just numeric edition number that is used for this subject.
  9. Enter the Author name whose book is used for this subject
  10. Tap on Save, and OK upon successful addition.
  11. Done. You have Successfully Added your Subject to your Ad-Din Madrasah Account.
  12. Repeat above steps to add more Subjects.

Delete Subject

Be very careful in deleting the Subject as it can not be recovered and the history for this subject will be gone as well. (Recommended approach is to rename the subject instead).

  1. Your account must have Madrasah Admin rights to perform this activity.
  2. Navigate to Madrasah > Admin Portal > Subject
  3. To delete the Subject from IOS simply swipe from right to left to Delete than tap on Delete.
  4. To delete the subject using Android Tap & Hold on the Subject you want to delete and tap on Delete.

    Edit the Subject

  5. Your account must have Madrasah Admin rights to perform this activity.
  6. Navigate to Madrasah > Admin Portal > Subjects
  7. To Edit the Subject simply tap on a Subject regardless of the device and you will get the edit page where you can update the Subject Details.

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