Step-by-step guide to View, Add, Edit, Delete Delegations using Ad-Din App

View Delegations

  1. You can view the Delegation if you have any Madrasah Role Based User permission, such as Admin, Teacher, Student or Parent.
  2. Navigate to Madrasah > Admin Portal > Delegations, here you will be displayed all the Delegations Admin has added for your Madrasah.

Add Delegations

  1. Your account must have Madrasah Admin rights to perform this activity.
  2. Navigate to Madrasah > Admin Portal > Delegations
  3. Tap on to + icon in bottom right corner
  4. Select the Delegate From Teacher from dropdown
  5. Select Delegate Class
  6. Select Delegate Class Section
  7. Select Delegate Subject
  8. Select Delegation Start and End Date
  9. Select the Delegate To Teacher from the dropdown.
  10. Tap on Save, and OK upon successful addition.
  11. Done. You have Successfully Added your Delegations to your Ad-Din Madrasah Account.
  12. Repeat above steps to add more Delegations.

Delete Delegations

  1. Your account must have Madrasah Admin rights to perform this activity.
  2. Navigate to Madrasah > Admin Portal > Delegations
  3. To delete the Delegations from IOS simply swipe from right to left to Delete than tap on Delete.
  4. To delete the Delegations using Android Tap & Hold on the Delegations you want to delete and tap on Delete.

    Edit the Delegations

  5. Your account must have Madrasah Admin rights to perform this activity.
  6. Navigate to Madrasah > Admin Portal > Delegations
  7. To Edit the Delegations from IOS simply swipe from right to left to Delete than tap on Edit.
  8. To Edit the Delegations using Android Tap & Hold on the Delegations you want to Edit and tap on Edit

  9. You will get the edit page where you can update and Save the Delegations Details.

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