Signup and Enroll in a Class-Program at your Madrasah-School using Ad-Din Mobile App.
Download the Ad-Din App from Google Play or Apple App Store on your Smartphone or Tablet. | |
Tap on Signup | |
Fill in Username, email and the password of your choice. Ensure the Email is accurate. When ready click on Signup | |
Allow the Location access for the system to show you the enrolled organizations from nearby. (Required) Location Data is used only used during application usage for the Ad-Din solution to function. For more information refer to our privacy policy. | |
Select Your Home Masjid (if not listed, enter the name of city in search) select tap Next, Select Your Home Madrasah/School (if not listed, enter the name of city in search) from the list and tap Next |
Tap Next on Follow Organizations. | |
Tap on Finish, tap on I am ready Let's Go | |
Tap on Madrasah icon | |
Tap on Introduction | |
Tap on Signup For a Program | |
Ensure your Home Madrasah is accurate tap on Next. | |
Fill in the Parent Details, tap Next. (Salutation & * are mandatory) Fill in Child Details. Choose the program correctly. Tap on Next, review the details and Tap on Finish |
The Complete Solution for Masajid and Madrasah Management.