Ad-Din's Getting Started Checklist for Masjid Admin

Ad-Din's Getting Started Checklist for Masjid Admin

Ad-Din's Getting Started Checklist for Masjid Admin

We've designed the Ad-Din platform to be fast and easy to set up. To help you make sure all your account components are in place before you begin to promote your Masjid App (Ad-Din) to Congregants, we've provided some easy steps for you to follow.

  1. Verify your account & Complete your profile details.
    1. By now, you should have access to your account where you can complete your profile from settings in Mobile App.
    2. We've sent you the verification link to email provided ensure to click on it as soon as possible as it expires soon, if you failed you will not receive any email communications from the App.
  2. Update the Prayer Times
    1. Login to Portal.Ad-Din.ca from your computer, go to Masjid > Prayer Times > Click on Settings tab > review & update the settings carefully especially (Calculation Method & Juristic Settings) and Save your settings.
    2. Click on Display Tab > uncheck those prayers that are not offered from Small, Medium, Large and Mobile Display, such as Jumah 2,3,4, Eid and Tarawih only needed during Ramadan. Enter your website URL and Save your settings. a & b are one-time setup from this point on you can manage it all from you mobile.
    3. Click on Adhan tab. Adhan are called few minutes before Jamat/Iqamah. Enter the minutes before to call Adhan for each prayer. (For Maghrib it's + from Sunset, and rest are from Iqamah/Jamat)
    4. Click on Batch update tab. Click on + Batch update select the From and To date and enter the Iqamah/Jamat times. 
    5. We recommend you setup for the whole year one time nicely. You will have to keep Iqamah/Jamat Times up-to-date else it will mislead the congregants. click here on how to.
    6. Log out from mobile app and log back in and review the Prayer times, if all correct, this is what world will see for your Masjid.
  3. Add the upcoming Masjid events
    1. Identify active recurring or non-recurring events, tap on Events in mobile and add them with as much details as possible so everyone in the community using this app can benefit. Do include a good picture for the event as "picture speaks a thousand words".
  4. Add the announcements
    1. Login to Portal.Ad-Din.ca from your computer, go to Masjid > Prayer Times > Click on Announcements tab > Add new Announcements
    2. Select the Start and End date, that Announcement will be shown on the LED Display in Masjid between those dates
    3. Here is a sample Powerpoint slides to make the announcements, just update in powerpoint as desired and save the slide as picture and upload that picture as the announcement image to be displayed on LED.
  5. Place the Display URL on your Masjid LED Screen
    1. Login to Portal.Ad-Din.ca from your computer, go to Masjid > Prayer Times > Click on Display Tab and grab one of the desired URL
    2. Vertical Display Widget (for inside the Masjid on a small monitor) 
    3. Medium Display Widget (for Website embedding or to be used on the LED screen without the Announcements and Events being displayed on the right side)
    4. Large Horizontal Display Widget (for LED/LCD Screen in the Masjid, update the display settings i.e. scroll speed etc.)
    5. All you need is enter this URL in the Google Chrome or Firefox browser on the smart TV, some old TV dont support it well, so you may need either software upgrade or a small android box with uptodate Opera, Chrome or Firefox browsers. Opera browser allows full screen in Android.
    6. Any prayer time changes or event and announcements will be update every minute on the display.
  6. Update About "My Home Masjid"
    1. If you have an existing website, you may have the About us written copy that. Best way to update this page is from the portal.ad-din.ca as it maintains the formatting, Login and go to Masjid > About Masjid > select your Home Masjid and click on Edit, paste the text and give it a title of your choice. Save it.
  7. Update all the Facility Details from Mobile
  8. Upload all the active forms, such as pledge form etc.
  9. Add Masjid Staff, and Volunteers.
    1. From drawer menu go to Admin Area and select your masjid, tap on + and add the desired user. Limiting the number of Admin is always a good practice.
  10. Add a good quality picture of the Masjid & Madrasah from Gallery.

Masjid Module is done at this stage. Keep the prayer times up-to-date.

  • If you have the Madrasah Admin rights, move on to Madrasah Module. Find a checklist on our knowledge base portal. Consult with Imam\Scholar of Masjid as the whole Madrasah module requires little more efforts to setup, but all we need to get going is, from Madrasah Module add Class & Subjects Details offered by Madrasah. Add them so users who visit the Introduction page under Madrasah can see these details.

Now its time to announce your Masjid App to Congregants.

  • Prepare a nice announcement and have Imam announce it during Jumah, requesting congregants to download the app.
  • In the App from Drawer Menu tap on "Share Ad-Din", modify the message to your likeness while keeping the links and post it to your favourite social medias and via email.
  • Obtain Marketing poster from Ad-Din.ca and post on Masjid visible area.
  • Spread the word of mouth.

Once Again Congratulations! and we pray that Almighty place abundant blessing at your Masjid, and you truly enjoy Ad-Din App and services offered. Please don't forget to rate the app on app store. And don't hesitate to open tickets for any assistance from our support portal will be happy to assist you.

Team Ad-Din

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