Step-by-step guide to Add_Remove Students to Class Section using Ad-Din Mobile App

Step-by-step guide to Add_Remove Students to Class Section using Ad-Din Mobile App

  • After adding a Class Sections, you can add or remove students to it. You can use below sample format for mapping and planning your Class | Class Section | Students.
  • As you add students to the Class Section the capacity of that section and overall Class will begin to reduce which will help you locate which section has space available for that Class/program

    Class Name

    Section Name

    Student Name

    Full Time Hifz


    Gangat Saad Suhail

    Full Time Hifz


    Daya Irshad

    Full Time Hifz


    Patel Ebrahim

    Full Time Hifz


    Nakhuda Umar

    Full Time Hifz


    Nakhuda Abrar

    Full Time Hifz


    Shahzad Ayyan

    Full Time Hifz


    Gangat Salman

    Full Time Hifz


    Patel Sahil

    Full Time Hifz


    Patel Ibrahim

    Full Time Hifz


    Gangat Muhammed Juned

    Full Time Hifz


    Bholat Mohammed Aqib

    Full Time Hifz


    Badat Adam

    Add Students to Class Section

  1. Your account must have Madrasah Admin rights to perform this activity.
  2. Navigate to Madrasah > Admin Portal > Class
  3. Tap on Section List and tap on a Section to which you want to add Students to.
  4. Tap on the + User icon as highlighted below
  5. You will be prompted if there are no students in the Section, simply tap OK than tap on + icon on bottom right corner.
  6. You will be presented with the list of students available from your Madrasah, tap on + green icon to add them to this Class Section. As you add them the quantity in this Section will begin increase. If you have a long list of students, you can search them by name as well.
  7. Once ready tap on Save in top right corner, you will get success prompt tap OK.
  8. And tap < Back arrow. Here you will be displayed with all the previous and new students you added to this Class Section if you are happy with list simply tap < Back arrow. If you have made a mistake, you can simply tap on red – icon to remove the desired student of this Section and tap on Save in top right corner. To add more simply tap on + icon again.
  9. Simply tap on < Back button again
  10. Tap on Class List and observe the Class/Program Qty has been reduced.
  11. Done. You have successfully added students to Class Section
  12. Repeat above steps to add students to another Class Section

Remove Students from Class Section

  1. Your account must have Madrasah Admin rights to perform this activity.
  2. Navigate to Madrasah > Admin Portal > Class
  3. Tap on Section List and tap on a Section to which you want to add Students to.
  4. Tap on the + User icon as highlighted below
  5. Here you will be displayed with all the current students in this Class Section.
  6. To remove students from this Class Section simply tap on red – icon to remove the desired student of this Section and tap on Save in top right corner.
  7. To add more simply tap on + icon again. Ensure to Save every time you make a change.
  8. When done simply tap on < Back button thrice.
  9. Tap on Class List and observe the Class/Program Qty has been updated as well.
  10. Done. You have successfully updated student in this Class Section

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