Step-by-step guide to Add_Remove Students to Class Section using Ad-Din Web App

Add Students to Class Section

  1. Your account must have Madrasah Admin rights to perform this activity.
  2. Navigate to Madrasah > Admin Portal > Class Section
  3. Select the Class > Select the Section and click on "Assign Student" button
  4. Select the Class > Class Section to which you want to add Students to and hit on Run icon, it will display any existing students in this section if any.
  5. Click on + Add
  6. Select the Students you want to add to this Class Section, and click on Save
  7. Done. You have successfully added students to Class Section
  8. Repeat above steps to add students to another Class Section

Remove Students from Class Section

  1. Your account must have Madrasah Admin rights to perform this activity.
  2. Navigate to Madrasah > Admin Portal > Class Section
  3. Select the Class > Select the Section and click on run
  4. Select the students you want to remove from this Class Section > than click on Delete
  5. Click on Yes to remove the selected students from this Class Section
  6. Done. You have successfully removed students from this Class Section

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