Step-by-step guide to View, Add, Edit Attendance using Ad-Din Web Portal

Step-by-step guide to View, Add, Edit Attendance using Ad-Din Web Portal

To Add Attendances from a web portal, follow below steps.
Recommended browsers are latest version of Google Chrome and Firefox.

View Attendance

  1. Depending on your Role you can view the Attendance, please refer to introduction section for permission matrix.
  2. Navigate to Madrasah > Admin Portal > Attendance
  3. Here you can view
    1. Student's Class Wise Attendance
    2. Student's Subject Wise Attendance &
    3. Teacher's Attendance

Let's start with,

View Student's Class Wise Attendance

To View Student's Class Wise Attendance,
Click on Students tab (1)
Select the Date, Class & Class Section for which you want to see the Attendance. Than click on Play button (2)
You will see the selected date's Subject Wise Attendance for that Class Section.

View Student's Subject Wise Attendance

To View Student's Class Wise Attendance,
Click on Students tab (1)
Select the date, Class & Class Section & Select the Subject for which you want to see the Attendance. Than click on Play button (2)
You will see the selected date's Subject Wise Attendance for the Class Section.

View Teacher's Attendance

To View Teacher's Attendance,
Click on Teachers tab (1)
Select the date for which you want to see the Attendance. And click on play button (2)
You will see the selected date's Teacher's Attendance.

Add/Edit Attendance

  1. Depending on your Role you can Add/Edit the Attendance, please refer to introduction section for permission matrix.
  2. Navigate to Madrasah > Admin Portal > Attendance
  3. Here you can Add/Edit
    1. Student's Class Wise Attendance
    2. Student's Subject Wise Attendance &
    3. Teacher's Attendance

Let's start with,

Add/Edit Student's Class Wise Attendance

To Add/Edit Student's Class Wise Attendance,
Click on Student. (1)
Than Click on + Manage (2)
Select the Student Attendance (3)
Select the Date, Select the Class & Class Section for which you want to add the Attendance. (4)
Click on Confirm Button (5)
You will be given the list of students for the selected Class Section

Students are marked "Present" on-screen by default when you open the Attendance for marking for a particular day, (PS Students are not marked present till saved) to ease teachers' operation, hence during the morning or Subject wise roll call teacher only have to mark those who are late or absent.
To Mark the Attendance, click on Attendance type for each student, such as Late, Absent or Present. (6)
When done marking all students click on Save (7)

Add/Edit Student's Subject Wise Attendance

To Add/Edit Student's Class Wise Attendance,
Click on Student. (1)
Than Click on + Manage (2)
Select the Student Attendance (3)
Select the Date, Select the Class & Class Section & Subject for which you want to add the Attendance. (4)
Click on Confirm Button (5)
You will be given the list of students for the selected Class Section

Students are marked "Present" on-screen by default when you open the Attendance for marking for a particular day, (PS Students are not marked present till saved) to ease teachers' operation, hence during the morning or Subject wise roll call teacher only have to mark those who are late or absent.
To Mark the Attendance, click on Attendance type for each student, such as Late, Absent or Present. (6)
When done marking all students click on Save (7)

Add/Edit Teacher's Attendance

To Add/Edit Teachers Attendance,
Click on Teacher (1)
Than Click on + Manage (2)
Select the Teacher Attendance (3)
Select the Date, for which you want to add the Attendance. (4)
Click on Confirm Button (5)
You will be given the list of Teachers. (6)

Teacher's are marked "Present" on-screen by default when you open the Attendance for marking for a particular day, (PS Teachers are not marked present till saved) to ease Admin's operation, hence during the roll call Admin only have to mark those who are late or absent.
To Mark the Attendance, click on Attendance type for each Teacher, such as Late, Absent or Present. (6)
When done marking all Teachers click on Save (7)

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