New Elementary Report Cards
The provincial report card templates for Grades 1 to 6 and Grades 7 and 8 have been updated to reflect the new direction described in Growing Success: The Mathematics Addendum, Grades 1 to 8, 2020. This includes one overall mark for mathematics.
While it is not mandatory for private schools to use the new templates, we have made it available for you in your Ad-Din solution. If your school does use them, please work with your team to ensure updates to report cards are made in time for the first reporting period.
The old report will require five strands for Mathematics checked ON.
The New Report template will require all strands for Mathematics checked OFF.
Meeting the above criteria, both old and new report cards in Ad-Din will remain functional.
Removing Strands from the subject.
Here is the step-by-step guide on setting up New Elementary Report Cards for Grade 1-6 in Ad-Din
Log in as Administrator to
From the menu select Madrasah / School > Admin Portal > Subjects
Search for Mathematics under Subject Name
Select the first one from the list and click on Edit, uncheck all the strands and click on Save.
Repeat steps 5 & 6 for Grade 1-8 Mathematics.
Upon completing these, move on to mapping the new Report card for Grade 1-6 & 7-8 below.
Mapping Grade 1-6 New Report Card.
Here is the step-by-step guide on setting up New Elementary Report Cards for Grade 1-6 in Ad-Din
Log in as Administrator to
From the menu select Reporting
Click on Map New Report, select template Grades 1-6 Elementary Provincial Report Card 0461E (2020/09)
Give a meaningful name for the report and map all the Grade 1- 6 subjects and strands carefully, leave the subject not applicable i.e. Native Language, it should look like below.
Save the report.
Mapping Grade 7-8 New Report Card.
Here is the step-by-step guide on setting up New Elementary Report Cards for grade 7-8 in Ad-Din
Log in as Administrator to
From the menu select Reporting
Click on Map New Report, select template Grades 7-8 Elementary Provincial Report Card 0463E (2020/09)
Give a meaningful name for the report and map all the Grade 7- 8 subjects and strands carefully, leave the subject not applicable i.e. Native Language, it should look like below.
Save the report.
Your mapped reports list will appear as follows, notice the revision dates of the linked templates.
Be careful in selecting the correct report card moving forward, if you are keeping the old report card mapping intact.
You are now ready to start preparing the reports for your students. Click on the Select purple button to get started.
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