How to Offboard an Organization from Ad-Din

How to Offboard an Organization from Ad-Din

In this article, we will cover steps to offboard an organization from Ad-Din.


  1. Remove the premium subscription from all the users

    1. Home > Settings > Organization > User Management

    2. Select all the users from Parent tab and click on Manage Subscription

    3. Click on De-Allocate, wait for some time as this process may take some time.

    4. Repeat the same steps for Teacher, Students and Admin Tab.

  2. Edit the Admin User and remove the Admin check and save it.


  3. Remove any Payment Types from Madrasah > Admin Portal > Payment, to stop generating automated invoices


  4. Go to Settings > Organization > Select Madrasah account > Organisation Subscription Management and reduce the subscription quantity to 0.

This will stop generating any subsequent invoices for your organization. If there are any pending invoice this operation will fail, open a ticket with the Ad-Din support team and ask them to close the pending invoice(s).

Finally please open a ticket with the Ad-Din support team to close the account.

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